Calling in Authentic Love
Part 1

This is the process of increasing your probability of calling forth an authentically aligned match by doing the deep inner work necessary to attract the optimally aligned potential partner who is most worthy of your love and growth.


This is a sacred journey of guide and participant so for the remainder of this invitation I’ll be speaking directly to you. Please read my words with full attention while feeling the possibilities of personal success deeply so that you can consciously determine if you are willing to do and be everything in your power to complete this journey.  

The Invitation
This journey is in two parts because I want you to be certain to commit to making this journey the number one priority of your life. Anything less than that level of importance will not work for you. Part one, explained on this page, will give you enough to decide if you are self-qualified to continue this journey. It’s important for you to know that this journey is a shared responsibility of trust and connection. Together we are entering a sacred contract based on holding nothing back and trusting one another completely. Although the 90 minutes zoom call that you will decide to invest in today is primarily information, it's my intention to give you an actual feel for the upcoming full experience (Part Two) so you completely know what’s to come.   As we begin this open-hearted journey I want you to know that we share the responsibility for making this work for you. I am honored to be your guide.